Timber Bench Tops
Timber bench tops are the staple of the Monaro Timber & Joinery workshop. With the standard thicknesses at 30mm or 40mm we can make a bench top to fit almost anywhere. For bench tops over 40mm thick, we recommend our Heavy Veneer bench tops. It reduces the movement issues associated with thicker timber tops and they look incredible.
Our thinnest standard size is 19mm thick and is used mostly for shelves and supported bench seats. However we can go as thin as needed whether it’s a shelf, vanity top, kitchen bench or a just a panel.
Every bench top is handmade to order ensuring you get exactly what you need. We can provide your top fully oiled and ready to install, or raw and over size for you to finish onsite. We also offer sink/stove cut outs, waterfall ends, mitred joins and undermounted steel support bars if needed.
For an accurate quote complete our form below. Please include any additional modifications to a standard bench top, including sink cut outs (top or under mounted), seen on both faces, mitred joins or waterfall ends etc. Alternatively, email any designs or drawings to sales@monarotimber.com.au.
Species recommended for bench tops:

Suitable for Joinery , bench tops, doors & treads

Suitable for joinery, flooring, bench tops,& doors

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops & doors

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, flooring & decking

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors & flooring

Suitable for joinery, bench tops & doors

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads. bench tops, doors, decking & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring & cladding

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring & cladding

Suitable for joinery, bench tops & doors

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, door & flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring & cladding

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops and doors

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors and flooring

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring and cladding

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring and cladding

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops, doors, decking, flooring and cladding

Suitable for joinery, treads, bench tops and doors